The purpose of this forum is to offer the participants of Buddhist Philosophy 1 a platform for discussion.
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The user agrees to abide by the principle of RIGHT SPEECH as taught by the Buddha. This means that posts, messages and any content should be to the best of the user’s knowledge: truthful and not intentionally misleading; seeking to create harmony and not divisive; kind & respectful and not demeaning & hurtful (this includes swearing and other forms of abuse); purposeful in terms of Dharma study and practice and not gossip or idle talk (this includes inappropriate discussion of political views and so forth).
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If users are not abiding by these guidelines, they will be reminded of the purpose of the forum and inappropriate content will be deleted. If abuse of the platform continues, the user may be removed and will not be able to post any longer (though still able to view). That is to say, the admin(s) of this forum maintain the right to delete inappropriate posts and content, and to remove individual users from the forum if necessary.
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